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    For our team, investment is about impact

    The Sofinnova Partners Industrial Biotech team has unveiled its inaugural Impact Report, underscoring its conviction that the most successful companies of the next decades will be using what some call deeptech to tackle the environmental challenges humanity faces. Read more or click below to download the full report.

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    The Sofinnova Partners Industrial Biotech Impact Report highlights Sofinnova’s belief that biotechnology can be applied to sustainability in innovative ways and that the natural world has developed the tools to manufacture goods using processes that are less harmful to the earth.

    As ever, center stage goes to our entrepreneurs, who are building the future by healing the planet with biology, one start-up at a time. Our portfolio companies are advancing a wide range of sustainable solutions across a number of addressable markets.

    Sofinnova Partners takes an active role in helping portfolio companies succeed, not only by providing capital but by partnering with innovators over the long term, in a spirit of respect and trust. We are proud to partner with entrepreneurs who are building world-class companies that will protect our planet through innovation.

    Many of the companies in our Industrial Biotechnology portfolio leverage nature's ingenious and efficient ways to make more natural, lower carbon products while using less energy and circular processes.

    Sofinnova Industrial Biotechnology is a strategy designed to focus on four key industries: Food, Agriculture, Materials and Chemicals. Within those sectors, the team seeks start-ups that can deliver systemic change across four specific UN Sustainable Development Goals: Zero Hunger (2), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (9), Responsible Consumption and Production (12), and Climate Action (13).

    For each company in our portfolio, we define and monitor specific environmental Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The KPIs are typically a mix of technical and business goals that ensure the companies are on “the road to success”. The business KPIs implicitly measure adoption, because without that, promising technologies remain unrealized.

    We are in the early stages of our quest to drive impact, so we are conscious that there is a lot left to learn, and we aim for transparency, rigor and constant improvement in this effort.

    The goal is simple, yet ambitious: remain at the forefront of the integration of impact and ESG in Venture Capital investments in Europe.

    Our Industrial Biotechnology team has more than a decade of experience. The report takes a close look at what we've done, and the lessons we've learned. It includes in-depth examples and case studies.

    Download the report now to learn more about the team, the portfolio — and the science — behind our Industrial Biotechnology strategy.

    From left to right: Anouck, Guillaume, Joško, Anna, Michael and Denis (Partner Emeritus)

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