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    Ankeet Jethwa

    Associate, Sofinnova Partners - Capital Strategy

    Ankeet joined us in January 2020. He is a healthcare and life science professional with a career spanning academic research, clinical practice, and strategy consulting.

    Ankeet started his consulting career at the Boston Consulting Group. As a strategy consultant he has worked with senior executives in the biopharma industry on a range of R&D, corporate and commercial topics.

    Prior to this, Ankeet was an academic doctor and surgeon with research interests in next-generation surgical technologies.

    Ankeet excels at connecting the dots between different disciplines, and enjoys working in healthcare venture capital because it lets him “combine my love of science, medicine, and business and be at the bleeding edge.”

    Ankeet did his medical training at the University of Oxford and obtained a first-class degree in Medical Sciences, for which he specialized in neuroscience and conducted original research into brain development. While practicing medicine in Scotland, Ankeet taught medical students and was appointed Honorary Clinical Tutor at the University of Edinburgh.


    Biopharmaceuticals & Medical Devices