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    Joško Bobanović

    Partner, Sofinnova Partners - Industrial Biotech Strategy

    Joško Bobanović is a Partner in the Sofinnova Partners Industrial Biotech Strategy. He joined us in 2010 and works on early-stage deals in Europe and North America with applications in chemicals, agriculture, food, and materials. Prior to joining Sofinnova Partners, he was part of the investment team at iNovia Capital in Montreal, Canada.

    Joško sits on the boards of Metgen, Comet Bio, DNA Script, Biosyntia, DMC Biotechnologies, Pyrowave and Protera Biosciences. Before going into venture capital, he created an internet startup and a software company.

    He is a mentor at BIRD Incubator, which helps entrepreneurs in software, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Joško goes straight to the point when discussing what he looks for in founders: “Personal integrity, drive and ambition, no nonsense.” His recurring nugget of wisdom? “Sales solve everything — if nobody is willing to buy, it’s a hobby.”

    Driven by curiosity, Joško appreciates Sofinnova Partners’ global ambition and enjoys the mix of technology, innovation and finance that defines his job. For fun, he enjoys cooking great food, travel and basketball.

    "We could easily live without an Uber. It's not going to change our lives if we just have to flag a taxi. But tomorrow if we run out of food, that's a big problem. If we destroy the environment, that's a big problem."


    Industrial Biotech

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