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    Biotalys receives approval for large-scale demonstration trials of EVOCA in the Netherlands

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    Mary McCarthy

    Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Press release

    Biotalys (Euronext Brussels: BTLS), an Agricultural Technology (AgTech) company developing protein-based biocontrols for sustainable crop protection, today announced it received approval by the Dutch regulator CTGB (College voor de Toelating van Gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en Biociden) for large-scale demonstration trials in greenhouses of its first biofungicide candidate, EVOCA™*. Importantly, the harvested fruits and vegetables can be sold for human consumption.

    Jeannette Vriend, Plant protection specialist at Dutch growers association Glastuinbouw Nederland, said: “We are very pleased that this innovative technology can now be tested at large scale by growers. Given the many challenges to adequately control fungal diseases in tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries, due to a sharply shrinking crop protection product package, we really need the acceleration of new, green solutions. These trials offer an ideal opportunity to properly implement such solutions in these high-value integrated crops.”

    The CTGB granted Biotalys the approval to test EVOCA against powdery mildew in 40 hectares of tomatoes, 20 hectares of cucumbers and 10 hectares of strawberries. Produce from these greenhouse trials is allowed to be sold for human consumption, an exemption to standard practices requiring crop destruction when a crop protection product is used that has not yet received regulatory approval.**

    Eva Van Hende, Head of Regulatory and Sustainability of Biotalys, said: “The ability to test EVOCA in large-scale demonstration trials while allowing the sale of the harvested produce for consumption reinforces our confidence that the product is safe to use. This decision by the Dutch authority is particularly relevant as the Netherlands is both the rapporteur Member State for our regulatory dossier at the European level and one of the largest exporters of fruits and vegetables worldwide.”

    EVOCA is a novel protein-based biofungicide which earned an entirely new resistance classification by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC). The product helps control the fungal diseases botrytis and powdery mildew in fruits and vegetables. Demonstrating strong performance in trials across multiple regions, climates, soil types, production types, pathogen pressure and crops to date, EVOCA is currently under review by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Dutch College voor Toelating van Gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en Biociden (CTGB) in the European Union for regulatory approval. EVOCA will pave the way for EVOCA NG, which is expected to be Biotalys’ first commercial fungicide from its AGROBODY technology platform.

    * EVOCA™: Pending Registration. This product is not currently registered for sale or use in the United States, the European Union, or elsewhere and is not being offered for sale.

    ** Decisions of the CTGB are subject to appeal during a period of six weeks following the publication of the decision.

    About Biotalys

    Biotalys is an Agricultural Technology (AgTech) company developing protein-based biocontrol solutions for the protection of crops and aiming to provide alternatives to conventional chemical pesticides for a more sustainable and safer food supply. Based on its novel AGROBODY™ technology platform, Biotalys is developing a strong and diverse pipeline of effective product candidates with a favorable safety profile that aim to address key crop pests and diseases across the whole value chain, from soil to plate. Biotalys was founded in 2013 as a spin-off from the VIB (Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) and has been listed on Euronext Brussels since July 2021. The company is based in the biotech cluster in Ghent, Belgium. More information can be found on www.biotalys.com.

    For further information, please contact:

    Toon Musschoot, Head of IR & Communication
    T: +32 (0)9 274 54 00
    E: IR@biotalys.com

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