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    AAVantgarde Bio

    AAVantgarde Bio, based in Milan, is developing gene therapies for inherited retinal disorders. The founder, Professor Alberto Auricchio, is a highly recognized scientist and a pioneer in the field of gene therapy. The company’s technology builds on existing AAV, or adeno-associated virus-based platforms, which are the main viral vector technology used in gene therapy applications. The company is a spin-off of TIGEM, an international research institute based in Naples that is owned and managed by the Telethon Foundation.


    The Sofinnova Capital Strategy acts as a founding and lead investor in early-stage biopharma and medtech start-ups focusing on groundbreaking therapeutic technologies.

    SofinnovaMD Start

    The MD Start Strategy is Sofinnova’s in-house medtech accelerator. The team’s hands-on entrepreneurial expertise contributes to the platform's global leadership in company building.


    The Sofinnova Crossover Strategy supports ground-breaking innovations in later-stage biotech and medtech companies, enabling ambitious life sciences companies to reach their full potential.

    SofinnovaIndustrial Biotech

    Our Industrial Biotech Strategy seeks early-stage investments that will have a positive impact on sustainability in the chemicals, agriculture, food and materials sectors.


    The Sofinnova Telethon Strategy seeks early-stage projects to bring the best Italian science to the world stage.

    SofinnovaDigital Medicine

    The Sofinnova Digital Medicine Strategy backs early-stage startups at the intersection of biology, data and computation.


    The Sofinnova Biovelocita Strategy is dedicated entirely to the creation and acceleration of European biotech startups, in partnership with leading research organizations.